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A member registered Jul 03, 2022

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where i can find flower that can turn haru to demon?

i think steam doesnt like NTR or fadeom

i think im blind but i couldnt find hammer

even my weboot and malwarbyte detected a virus too

how is it dead if it is single player game?

weird... steam allow Loli porn game  but not this.  not make sense lol

i want this game on steam everyone will buy this the game is enjoy 

im not too sure about the balance because i dont able beat the first floor because some are them higher hp and its hard to kill them 

(2 edits)

challenge hana gabmit dont make sense because somehow i lose to her mine 31/31 and her 35/31 or her 32/31 and mine 28/3. its just weird

nah they abandoned the game lol i checked their patreon and their last post was 2022

this is strange i cant download this game sad

Little Man community · Created a new topic no new quests?

i updated to 0.36 and i opened quests and not tell me whats next

i clicked english but until pink appear at my apt and everything is different language

is that big deal for you?

super confusing  same key for "next" and "stop" i tried to press for next but it ended up stop 

nah i decided to sub your pateron and downloaded it.

idk why i still have in demo mode and i dont able to enter the city, it say demo but i paid for new update 

I did 20round\10rounds  but it say the mission failed

what do you mean mission failed even if i past 10 rounds?

Because i subbed thair pateron that's  how i know

they still do. they trying to finish it as possible because they want to start second game. hopefully its release next year or early 

no its not. they still development.  

yes it still devekopment, i find the dev in discord and today they said they work on it now

what is Vulkan video driver? my3070ti doesnt support this. idk why 

it dont even explain how you get out of trap lol

i tried it but it say  no extract 

same here i hope devs fix this

how i supposed to play it? i cant use 7zip.

i have to pay this epsiode 1 n 2 ?

i am struck in quest called send drone. every time i tired to send it to and end up error 

discord expired. and want to know pateron so i can support

how strange i just play shakai-seikatsu and it have same room as your room same design women but changes color and eyes 

chhill you make a game then 

i paid this for $10 and still not able to see and it require to pay for patreon lol

paypal really have right  steal your money?